Dressage Pro for horse riders

by MogSoft


8.09 usd

Dressage Pro lets you design and share dressage diagrams.

Dressage Lite from MogSoft lets you design dressage diagrams on your Android phone or tablet which means that wherever you ride your horse or pony you can have your tests available.Tests can be created for short or long arenas and consist of one or more steps containing movements which include:LinesCirclesHalf-circlesSerpentinesZigzags (Half-passes)LoopsPirouettesTurn-on-haunchesHaltsReinbacksChanges of legGive and retake reinsAnnotationsMovements are colour coded into walk, trot and canter types with linestyles (dotted, dashed etc) used to indicate varieties such as collected, extended etc. The diagram displays the horse outline in leg yield, shoulder in, travers, renvers or half pass as specified.The arena can be viewed from A, B, C or E as appropriate for a rider or judges perspective.All of the standard arena letters are available and if required a further set inbetween these can be enabled for designing freestyle tests.Settings permits a wide range of customisations such as changing colours, animations, arena styles etc.In addition to using the graphical representation of the test you can also view it as a callsheet. The descriptions are automatically created and a user supplied comment can be added.All tests are stored on your device and no internet connection is necessary when editing or viewing tests, nor is any other form of registration.When youve completed designing your test you can share it with friends if they have the app installed. Sharing is done by using existing apps on your device which could include Gmail, Google Drive etc.A comprehensive set of help pages is always available.This is the unrestricted, advert-free version of the free app, Dressage Lite.New commands for circle and half-circle movements with a change of pace midway.Options to export and import a test.Bug fixes

Read trusted reviews from application customers

Love this app! I have created 14 tests with it and used it for many years now. Export and import have worked well for me, so I've been able to shave my tests, and no problems switching phones.

Jenese B

I just got this app and in creating my first test realized there is no option for travel on the quarter line. I ride a test that calls for trotting on the quarter line and then leg yielding to the arena fence and picking up the canter. I need a quarter line.

Lana Horton

Very useful.😁

A Sutton

Good for learning tests. But when viewing tests the pirouettes aren't showing, please fix Please add option to import/export! And to combine, i. e. Flying changes in serpentines

Nino Rubet

I create and recreate tests to learn them prior to comps. It isnt perfect but it is here and that is great. Better choice of colors would be nice.

Mona Helmgens

Really good app. I just reinstalled it after phone troubles. Now I cant import tests that I had saved previously. Please fix..

Julie Pujol

I find this app invaluable for learning tests.

Clare Roach

Would be good but driving me mad as keeps stopping half way through imputing of tests

Ashley Dally